30/09/2009 08:00


In celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China, Macao Post, China Post and Hongkong Post are jointly issue the stamp theme “60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China” on 1st October, 2009. This is the seventh joint issue of the three postal administrations after the stamp theme “Charming Chinese Lanterns” issued on 2006. With a set of four Macao’s stamps and one souvenir sheet, the landmark of Tiananmen Square in Beijing is shown on the souvenir sheet with the red lanterns celebrating the National Day, and using the way of comparison to present the scenes of Macao gateway celebrated the National Day in the past, today, Macao’s return to China’s sovereignty, all the people are enjoying the flag raising ceremony.

The above issue will be available for sale at the Macao Post Headquarters, from 9:00a.m. to 5:30p.m., and the Communications Museum, from 9:30a.m. to 5:30p.m. The registered mail service for the following philatelic products will be available on the issue date at the above mentioned locations. The philatelic products are as follows:

Philatelic Products Selling Price Quantity
Set of 4 Stamps 11.50 patacas 300,000
Sheetlet 46.00 patacas
Souvenir Sheet 10.00 patacas 1,090,000
Prestige Stamp Booklet 36.00 patacas
First Day Cover with Stamps 16.00 patacas 7,000
First Day Cover 4.50 patacas 7,000
First Day Cover with Souvenir Sheet 14.50 patacas
Information Brochure 5.00 patacas 9,000
Information Brochure with Stamps 16.50 patacas
Information Brochure with Souvenir Sheet 15.00 patacas

Among the total printing quantity of souvenir sheet, 790,000 sheets are transformed as Prestige Stamp Booklet jointly issued by China Post, Hongkong Post and Macao Post. These souvenir sheets issued by the three postal administrations under this stamp theme are presented in booklet format of se-tenant style, the face value for the three souvenir sheets are as: MOP10.00, RMB6.00 and HKD10.00 respectively. Among the total printing quantity of 790,000 booklets, the total of 50,000 booklets to be sold in Macao are numbered with the code “C” representing Macao, this booklet is priced at 36.00 patacas each.

Due to the limited quantity, the sales-quota per queuing customer on the issue date is three booklets. The First Day Cover and Information Brochure (without souvenir sheets) will be available for sale on the issue date; customers can produce the philatelic products by affixing the Macao souvenir sheet from the booklet with the issue postmark for your collection or mail to your beloved friends and relatives.

The stamp designer for this issue is Mr. Wong Leung Chung, and the text for the information brochure is written by the Commissioner of the Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PRC in the MSAR, Mr. Lu Shumin.

This is the eighth issue in 2009. The issued stamps are as “Bicentenary of the Birth of Louis Braille” on 04/01/2009; “Lunar Year of the Ox” on 08/01/2009; “Opening of Kun Iam Treasury” on 20/02/2009; “Traditional Instruments II” on 01/03/2009; “Mainland Scenery III” on 08/04/2009; “120th Anniversary of the International Labour Day” on 01/05/2009 and “Seng Yu – Idioms III” on 01/06/2009.



Commemorative Envelope of “LUBRAPEX 2009 XXth Luso Brazilian Joint Stamp Exhibition”

Macao Post will participate the “LUBRAPEX 2009 XXth Luso Brazilian Joint Stamp Exhibition”, located at Évora, Portugal, during 2nd to 11th October 2009. To commemorate this Exhibition, Macao Post produces the commemorative envelopes and provides the commemorative postmark cancellation service on site of the exhibition.

Be convenience to the philatelist, the commemorative envelope with stamp priced at MOP3.50 will also be available for sale at the Philately Shop of Macao Post Headquarters starting from 3rd October.


You may send your registered mail of this commemorative envelope at the following locations *:

Philately Shop at Macao Post Headquarters: 3rd October 9H00 – 17H30
Post Offices: 3rd to 11th October Office Hours to Public

* No commemorative postmark cancellation service provided in Macao.

Results of Postcards Design Contest

The results of Postcards Design Contest “10th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Macao Special Administrative Region”, organized by Macao Post has reached its final stage. The contest consists of Open Category and Youth Category, and there is a total of 241 entries accepted. The judging panel formed by Macao stamp designers, Mr. Ng Wai Kin, Mr. Lai Ieng and Mr. Chan Wai Fai, and the members of the Macao Post Board of Directors.

The winners of Open Category and Youth Category are Fong Chon Ip and Che Chi Un respectively. The winning entries of both categories will be issued as postcards. The Prize Presentation Ceremony will be held at the “World Post Day” on 9th October 2009 at the Communications Museum. And an exhibition of winning entries and all the eligible entries will be displayed at the Communications Museum from the ceremony day until 28th October 2009. The following is the Awards List:

Category Awards Awards Name
Open Category 1st Prize Fong Chon Ip
Open Category 2nd Prize Tsui Tak Meng
Open Category 3rd Prize Wan In Fan
Youth Category 1st Prize Che Chi Un
Youth Category 2nd Prize Ao Weng Si
Youth Category 3rd Prize Mak Si Un

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