General Information
  1. Please read carefully before making your order. Cancellation and changing of orders are not accepted.
  2. Macao Post and Telecommunications Bureau will use the personal data collected in this form exclusively for processing your subscription and sending philatelic news, information of other services or products.
  3. The minimum quantity for subscribing the Set of Stamps and Souvenir Sheets cannot be less than 200 units.
  4. Postage
    1. Considering that the calculation of the Postage depends on the products quantities subscribed, its value will be calculated case by case, under the terms of No.18.2 of the Philatelic Dealer’s Plan Subscription Regulation. The Subscriber will be informed if requested. The Deposit – Postage must be paid before the products delivery. The Bail-Deposit values superior to MOP100,000.00 do not have to pay Postage.
    2. Macao Post and Telecommunications Bureau will not be responsible for the loss of products sent by Mail to Subscribers non-residing in Macao.
  5. Payment Method
    1. Cash payment at Post Office counters - only MOP is acceptable.
    2. The cheque should be payable to “Direcção dos Serviços de Correios e Telecomunicações, Subscrições de Filatelia”.
      1. Additional values should be added as Bank Charges:
        MOP40.00 cheques in HKD
        MOP200.00 cheques in other currencies
    3. Bank Transfer should be made into one of the accounts: “ Direcção dos Serviços de Correios e Telecomunicações, Subscrições de Filatelia ”, No. 180101207809882 at Bank of China, Av. Dr. Mário Soares – Macao, or No.9000028586 at Banco Nacional Ultramarino, Av. Almeida Ribeiro – Macao.
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